Indigenous Cultural & Creative Resources

ICMI has gathered and will continue to seek out a wide variety of resources for those interested in working with Indigenous artists and communities to create artistic and cultural work and events.

Indigenous Protocols for Creative Work

A number of arts and media organizations in Canada have worked with Indigenous communities and Elders to develop resources on how to work best with them when collaborating on creative projects and events. These include:

Indigenous Protocols for the Visual Arts

Guidelines on collaborating with Indigenous communities in visual arts.
Open Website

On-screen Protocols & Pathways

Indigenous Screen Office & the imagineNATIVE Film & Media Festival
Best practices for filmmakers working with Indigenous cast and crew.
Open Website

Determining Indigenous Identity

Indigenous Screen Office
Criteria and guidelines for identifying Indigenous individuals in media projects.
Open PDF

Indigenous Ally Toolkit

Segal Centre for the Performing Arts
Resources for non-Indigenous allies supporting Indigenous initiatives.
Open PDF

Research on the Value of Public Funding for Indigenous Arts and Cultures

Canada Council for the Arts
Insights into the value of public funding for Indigenous arts and culture.
Open Website

Ideas for Turtle Island Resources

Canadian Music Centre
Discover resources across Turtle Island, transcending Canada-U.S. geographic borders.
Open Website

Indigenous Land Acknowledgement

Those who are incorporating Indigenous land acknowledgements in their creative work and are unsure of where to begin, can refer to these two works-in-progress below for a place to start and understand the deep history of the land that grounds their work. These include:

Native Land Digital

Description: A tool for understanding the traditional territories of Indigenous peoples.
Open Website

Whose Land

Resource for learning about the history and significance of land acknowledgements.
Open Website

Funding & Grants for Indigenous Artists

There are also a number of financial programs that will invest in creative work by Indigenous artists and communities. These include: